Friday Inspiration – Kindness



It is World Kindness Week, and this past Tuesday, 11/13/12 was World Kindness Day.  One of my previous posts was a Random Acts of Kindness Poster published by  This has ended up being one of my most visited blog pages, and one of my most re-pinned items on Pinterest, so I know people love the ideas!

I encourage everyone to check out the site, which has great resources on the Kindness movement.  I found today’s quote there.  They also have monthly calendar pages you can print out with daily kindness suggestions, and children’s activities, volunteer opportunities, etc.  Whenever I visit their site I end up smiling!

Few people speak as often, as consistently and as eloquently about kindness as the Dalai Lama.  For him, Kindness is the essence of humanity, an ever-present consciousness, and a way of life.


The true essence of humankind is kindness. There are other qualities which come from education or knowledge, but it is essential, if one wishes to be a genuine human being and impart satisfying meaning to one’s existence, to have a good heart.
Tenzin Gyatso  – The 14th Dalai Lama (B. 1935)

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